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Finding Fluency!


Charleigh Bailey

Growing Independence and Fluency


To become fluent readers, children need to learn how to read faster, smoother, and more expressively.  Fluency refers to a student's ability to read words accurately and automatically.  In this lesson, students will learn how to read quickly, smoothly, and expressively in order to gain fluency.  Students will gain fluency through repeated readings, timed readings, and one-minute reads.  It has been proven that the more students read, the more their reading skills will improve.  



  1. Copy of Jerry’s Important Things for each student

  2. Stopwatch for each pair of students

  3. Pencil for each student

  4. Cover-up critters

  5. Dry Erase board and marker

  6. "Finding Fluency" progress chart for each student

  7. Sticky notes



1. Explain to students the purpose of the lesson.  "Today we are going to talk about improving fluency.  In order to become a successful reader, you must be able to read fluently.  Fluency is when you are able to read fast without stopping to sound out each word.  You recognize the words automatically and you read them with little or no effort.  Once you become fluent readers, the text will begin to make more sense because you do not have to try so hard to read each word.  One way that we can work on fluency is by reading a text more than once.  Each time you read the text, you get faster because you are becoming more familiar with the text.  Today we are going to practice fluency by reading a text more than once and seeing how much we can improve."


2. Model for the students how to read with fluency.  Write on the dry erase board the following sentence: The humongous dog swam in the pond.  Tell students, "First, I am going to read the sentence without fluency.  The huumooonngousss dddooogg swaaamm iiiinn the pppooonndd.  Now I am going to read the sentence as a fluent reader would.  The humongous dog swam in the pond.  Did you hear the difference between reading with fluency and reading without fluency?  Listen as I read the sentence once again.  The humongous dog swam in the pond.  This time I read the sentence faster because I was familiar with the words. The first two times I read the sentence gave me practice and helped me read the sentence fluently and with expression the third time."


3. “We are going to use the book Jerry’s Important Things to practice improving our fluency.” Remind students to cross check if they do not automatically recognize a word during their reading.  "Do not forget that cross checking is a tool that fluent readers use to make sense of the sentences that they read and to read more successfully.  If you do not automatically recognize a word cover-up part of the word to make it easier to sound out.  Once you have determined the pronunciation of the word, go back and reread the sentence to see if the word makes sense in the sentence.  If the word does not make sense in the sentence, you can change your guess to a word that fits the sentence.  If you and your partner cannot figure out how to pronounce a word correctly, come ask me and I will help you figure it out."  Provide a booktalk for Jerry's Important Things "Jerry has a box with something very important in it! Jerry is on his way to his grandmother's house to show her his box. On his way, he shows some of his friends, but loses his box! Will Jerry be able to find his box and show his grandmother? You'll have to read to find out!" 


4. "Now that you have heard me share the booktalk, you are going to practice reading fluently with a partner."  Divide the students up into groups of two and give each student a copy of the book a stopwatch, and a cover-up critter.  One student will be the reader and the other student will be the timer.  Then, the two students will switch jobs.  "When it is your turn to read, I want you to see how many words you can read in one minute smoothly and fast.  Remember: do not skip any words. You can put a sticky note of where you left off so that you will know where to stop counting. When you are finished reading, count the number of words that you read in one minute and write that number on your bee on your "Finding Fluency" progress chart.  I want you to keep switching with your partner until you have each read three times.  You can start now." I will walk around the classroom to hear them reading and to assist with the progress charts if needed.


5. To assess, I will call each student to my small group table one by one and have them bring their progress chart they did with their partner. I will review it with the student, highlighting their areas of improvement.  Then, I will have the child read Jerry’s Important Things once more and monitor fluency by jotting down whether they read smoothly, quickly, stopped rarely, or less smooth, less quick, or stopped frequently. I will monitor this with a reading progress chart. Also, while the student is reading I will note the miscues.  Then, at the end I will do a quick check for comprehension of text (See Questions Below.) 


1. What did Jerry carry around all day?

2. Who did Jerry want to show the important box to?

3. What was in the box?



1. Lincoln, Katie. Buzz, Buzz, Buzz!

2. Book: Hellie, A. (1983). Jerry’s Important Things. Houghton Mifflin.


3. Image:;_ylt=AwrCmmBoU5lcPgUAuNQPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTB0N2Noc21lBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNwaXZz?p=boy+looking+for+something&type=pds_onz468acego85tr2_19_12_ssg00&hspart=itm&hsimp=yhs-001&param1=1&param2=f%3D4%26b%3Dchrome%26ip%3D24.179.37.131%26pa%3Drspdfconverterds%26type%3Dpds_onz468acego85tr2_19_12_ssg00%26cat%3Dweb%26a%3Dpds_onz468acego85tr2_19_12_ssg00%26xlp_pers_guid%3D5588c1fa0cfa3a56dad1fe1756404582%26xlp_sess_guid%3D5588c1fa0cfa3a56dad1fe1756404582-a6bb-4ee622e3c043%26uref%3D%26abid%3D%26xt_abg%3D%26xt_ver%3D10.1.3.89%26ls_ts%3D1553114100&ei=UTF-8&fr=yhs-itm-001#id=12&


4.Reading Progress Checklist

Title of Book: __________________

Number of words: ______________

Reader: _______________

Recorder: _______________

1st time: ______ Words in _____seconds

2nd time: ______ words in _____ seconds

3rd time: ______ words in _____ seconds

Read the fastest: ______ turn

Read the smoothest: _____ turn



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© 2019 by Charleigh Bailey. Proudly created with

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